About Conference

Berlin, Germany is the host of the 5th International Conference on Applied Research in Engineering, Science and Technology. ICAREST will take place on 08-09 Dec 2023  and, just like its previous editions, it will welcome the international community of academics, scholars, and researchers for two days of thought-provoking seminars, engaging discussions, and cross-border knowledge sharing.

ICAREST is the one event of the year you don’t want to miss out on. Its sole purpose is to help you deepen your knowledge in the field by exposing you to a vibrant learning environment. While our speaker board will present thorough and insightful information, you will be able to learn from your peers in the audience as well as share your knowledge with them. This open learning environment can’t be substituted by digital technologies or online platforms. Feel the vibrant atmosphere of the event, get a dose of inspiration, meet new people, and listen to their fascinating stories. ICAREST 2023 is more than a conference. It’s a network. See you in Berlin, Germany!

Participation Opportunities


Be an oral presenter of the conference and present your research to a truly international audience. Presentation slots are limited, so early submission is strongly encouraged. Send your abstract today.


All accepted and registered research papers will be published and indexed in the conference proceedings book with ISBN.


Send your Abstract to be a poster presenter at the conference and show your research work to the audience throughout the conference day.


Attending in ICAREST conference will provide an opportunity to network and share thoughts on recent advances with other academics and experts in the same or similar fields.


If you can’t attend the conference in person but want to share your research with our international community, join as a virtual presenter.


The Organizing Committee will offer all participants a city tour free of charge, so learn about Berlin’s vibrant past and present, with a friendly local guide.

The most important dates to remember are as follows

Authors will be notified of Abstract acceptance within 7 to 14 days. The optional full paper submission, including detailed guidelines for publication in Conference Proceedings, peer-reviewed journals, or as a Monograph, will be emailed within a few weeks after the conference.

FRIDAY, 24 NOV 2023

Abstract Submission Deadline

FRIDAY, 1 DEC 2023

Registration Deadline

08 - 09 DEC 2023

Conference Dates

  • Architecture
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Bioinformatics
  • Biomedical Engineering
  • Biotechnology
  • Civil Engineering
  • Computer software and applications
  • Computing
  • Data Mining
  • Interior design services
  • Energy
  • Engineering
  • Forestry
  • Image Processing
  • Information Technology
  • Internet and World Wide Web
  • Manufacturing
  • Mining
  • Nanotechnology and Materials
  • Networking
  • Polymers and Plastics
  • Renewable Energy
  • Robotics
  • Space Environment and Aviation Technology
  • Systems Engineering
  • Transport
  • Agriculture Engineering
  • Aquaculture
  • Archaeology
  • Astronomy
  • Biodiversity
  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Earth Sciences
  • Ecology
  • Environment
  • GIS
  • Genetics
  • Meteorology
  • Oceanography
  • Physics
  • Soil
  • Waste Management
  • Water
  • Alternative Health
  • Cardiology
  • Family Medicine
  • Food Safety
  • Gastroenterology
  • Health
  • Medicine and Medical Science
  • Public Health
  • Mathematics
  • Statistics

Paper Publication Opportunity

  • All accepted research Abstracts will be published and indexed in the conference proceedings.
  • Each Paper will be assigned Digital Object Identifier (DOI) from Cross Ref.
  • The proceedings shall be submitted to Google Scholar for Indexing.
  • The Conference Proceedings will be published in the conference proceeding with an ISBN in a soft form.
  • All papers have publication opportunities in ISI and Scopus-indexed journals.
  • All registered papers have publication opportunities in various indexed international journals.

All accepted and registered Abstracts will be published in the conference Proceeding with ISBN 978-609-485-474-3.

After the conference, authors of accepted abstracts who have registered can submit their full paper for publication in the Conference Proceedings, Peer-Reviewed Journals, or as a Monograph. Detailed instructions and submission guidelines will be emailed within a few weeks following the conference

What to Do in Berlin on Your First Visit!

We are not authorized to assist with the visa process beyond providing an invitation letter and the contents of all letters are the same. The organizing committee would like to clearly state that the letter is only to help the participant to obtain a visa or to raise travel funds and has no further financial obligations from the conference towards the participant. If you require a visa, we advise you to obtain and submit an official Letter of Invitation from the conference organizer to help facilitate the visa process. Please note that Letters of Invitation are only issued to registered and paid/approved delegates.

engineering conference